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Being out of college and entering the corporate world can be daunting and challenging for individuals. College doesn't prepare us for the world outside and the challenges of a job....

Challenges Freshers Face In Their First Job

Being out of college and entering the corporate world can be daunting and challenging for individuals. College doesn’t prepare us for the world outside and the challenges of a job. Some people have the advantage of having gone through internships which gives them a glimpse into the working landscape. Nevertheless, your first job can be a bit unnerving for a newbie. Here we try to look at the kind of challenges freshers face.

Table of Contents

  • Hesitation
  • New environment and lack of skills
  • Overload of information
  • Working as a team
  • Unsuitable work culture
  • Anxious about career planning
  • Work-life balance
  • Last Word


Most freshers feel a sense of hesitation owing to their lack of experience to voice their opinions. This could also come from the fact that their managers may not value what they are saying or encourage them. Staying silent is not an option as it may be misunderstood for disinterest. The best thing to do is to speak up and be heard. You will not know how people will react unless you speak up. Have faith in yourself and your abilities and don’t hesitate to communicate your thoughts and ideas.

New environment and lack of skills

Coming from a college environment, the corporate working environment may seem very different and alien. It will also be a tough transition and a cultural shock too. The expectations from you as an individual will be different. You could overcome this by seeking out other people who are freshers like you and connecting with them and sharing your experiences.

Being a fresher, you may not have all the necessary skills that are required on the job. You need to bring to the table an attitude to learn skills, jargon and communication skills that will help you along. You will need to be creative, innovative, adaptable and flexible as a fresher. You have only had theoretical knowledge so far and learning practically will be a totally different experience.

Overload of information

One of the most challenging things about a new job is to catch on to everything that is happening and get on the same page as your co-workers. Especially if you are replacing someone, your learning curve has to be steep and you will be loaded with a lot of information. This can seem daunting and the only way to deal with it is to write down your questions and make notes. Take time out at the end of each day to review these and clarify questions that you may have. Quiet time with yourself at the end of each day can help assimilate all that you have learnt and synthesize all the information given to you.

Working as a team

Teamwork is a crucial aspect of working in a corporate workplace. It involves accommodating the views and opinions of other teammates, cooperating and coordinating with others, listening to co-workers and supporting one another. As young college students, we are used to working in silos and have no opportunities to collaborate and work along with others. You are judged at an individual level. However when you come to work, everything is done as teamwork and in collaboration with others. It can be difficult and alien to be dependent on someone else to complete the work that you do initially but you can learn the ropes very soon and work together as a team.

Unsuitable work culture

As a fresher you may sometimes feel that the work processes and the ethics and values of your employer are not in sync with yours. This is a very difficult thing to overcome. Sometimes you will have an overload of work and no one to answer your questions. At these times, you will feel a sense of disillusionment. You may feel that there are no opportunities for learning or for creative fulfillment. This is the time when many freshers leave jobs or actively begin looking for a change. You could benefit by finding yourself a mentor at work who could clarify your questions and also help you find meaning behind everyday work routines. Sometimes, talking to co-workers can be helpful and bring in a sense of camaraderie and fulfillment.

Anxious about career planning

If you are dissatisfied at your first job, you will start actively looking for a change and this will also trigger thoughts of career planning. Getting future jobs will depend on the skills that you possess. It is important to develop these skills to not just perform better at your job but to also increase your prospects in future jobs. Look for proper guidance to help you plan your career and do not make rash decisions to move from your current job due to frustrations or temporary challenges. Things can change depending on the current needs in your organization. Talking to your manager and seeking clarity can help understand the situation and plan better. 

Work-life balance

As a fresher, it can become a challenge to manage both your personal and professional lives. You cannot let either interfere with the other and must learn to draw lines to ensure that you have time for both. It is important to draw boundaries. A big part of this is also time management. How you prioritize and learn to manage your time is a critical part of learning how to manage work-life balance. Unlike college where you could be the master of your time, at work, schedules sometimes go haywire. Also with work, comes a huge responsibility to get the job done. Hence it is important to draw boundaries and prioritize. Commuting to and from work also consumes time and has to be accounted for. All of this could be difficult for a fresher but with proper planning and learning to manage your time, you could overcome these challenges.

Last word

Every newbie wants to jump into a new role and add value. You may want to start contributing right away. Taking a deep breath, picking up learnings and understanding that others have a headway over you within the organization can go a long way in making the transition from being a college student to a working professional an easy one. Don’t be in a hurry to overachieve and be a sponge and assimilate all that you can. This will help you grow into a fine professional.

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