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When you think of a “Java Developer,” what comes to mind?

There is a misconception from those not in software development that developers just “write code”. In reality, it’s a simplistic view that undermines what software developers actually do. 

Let’s look at the top employers of Java Developers. That would give us an insight into what these professionals actually do in their day-to-day job and career: 

In India, about a quarter of Java Developers are employed in the IT Services Sector. These companies follow a Build model, wherein they hire junior tech talent, often fresh graduates, and provide them with upskilling opportunities for career progression. 

In the beginning, a developer’s role in these enterprises primarily revolves around support and enhancement tasks.

On the other hand, GCCs, Product based companies, R&D centers, MNC consulting and Startups generally look for professionals who can deliver end-to-end core architecture, development, and deployment.

They are looking for specialists who can build business solutions at an enterprise scale. 

Therefore, Java Developers, like any technologists, have to keep upskilling. 

So, as you progress from being a rookie to an expert Java Developer, what are the skills and specialized tools that companies expect you to know?

Here are 5 basic dimensions/capabilities that cover the different roles and responsibilities of Java Developers.

Also, the skills and specialized tools you should master to become a Specialist Java Developer

As tech evolves, the industry demands would keep changing. Your motivation to work on your skills would also fluctuate. This pathway to specialism is to help you find the skill gaps you need to cover to get to the level of specialism you want to achieve. 

Once you make an objective analysis of your current skills, you can use this template to make your personalized plan. The idea is to build a defined process around upskilling. 

Of course, you can’t learn everything. But if you feel stuck in your growth, you can use this to build a strategy to become an expert Java Developer. 

If you’re a beginner, here’s one thing to remember: Don’t miss out on the fundamental topics in pursuit of hot technologies. Dig into the HTTP protocol and understand how the web really works. Understand the full software cycle, the continuous integration and delivery. 

That’s what helps you develop a strong base. As you move up the pathway, you become proficient in Java. Then you move on to APIs and tools. You master platform-independent skills like distributed system design, architecture, usability, and design patterns.

Once you build a system around developing your tech skills, you are on your way become a specialist in your stack.

Your next move is to be recognized as a specialist. But that’s a whole different story about personal branding. That’s for some other time.

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