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Technology shapes our world and everyday, new ground-breaking technologies are emerging that are revolutionizing our world....

AI’s Next Wave: 5 Emerging Technologies to Watch in Tech Industry

Technology shapes our world and everyday, new ground-breaking technologies are emerging that are revolutionizing our world. It is important to watch emerging tech trends and prepare for what is to come. Emerging technologies are new technological developments that have the potential to significantly influence the world in the near future. Emerging tech also covers breakthroughs that are in relatively early stages of research and development but show immense promise.

Key characteristics of emerging technologies

  • Novelty: Emerging technologies introduce new concepts, ideas, or technologies that did not exist earlier.
  • Growth potential: Emerging technologies display rapid growth rates and expand significantly.
  • Transformative potential: Emerging technologies disrupt the status quo and transform lifestyles by enabling new products or even industries.

Emerging technologies to watch

The following emerging technologies are ground-breaking and have the potential to shake up the world around us.

Extended reality (XR)

Extended reality (XR) refers collectively to all immersive technologies like virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR). XR transports users to digitally created environments (VR) like in a game or in a house that you are about to buy. It overlays the digital environments to the physical environment through AR. For instance, you can visualize how a desk will look in your room. Sometimes it blends both physical and virtual worlds and is therefore called MR. The human experience is pushed beyond ordinary reality using these technologies. XR is used in training and simulation, healthcare, design and manufacturing, marketing, and environment conservation and protection.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning

AI has taken over several repetitive tasks that were earlier assigned to humans. Now it has moved into speech recognition, decision-making, visual perception, language translation, and a lot more. Machine learning is a subset of AI and allows algorithms to learn automatically from data patterns. The global AI market is growing exponentially. Currently AI and machine learning are driving progress in areas such as healthcare, customer service, and even autonomous driving!

Quantum computing

Quantum computing enables complex calculations that are not possible with traditional computing. Conventionally, computers store data as binary digits (bits) encoded as either 0 or 1.  Quantum computers use “Qubits” that represent 0 and 1 simultaneously which results in exponentially faster processing power using quantum mechanics. In the future, quantum capabilities could facilitate medical discoveries, optimize supply chains, or complex financial modelling and much more. Quantum computing is therefore a key emerging technology to watch for in the coming years.


Robotics technology has found use in industries ranging from healthcare to manufacturing. Robotics is a branch of engineering and computer science that involves the conception, design, manufacture, and operation of robots. The objective of the robotics field is to create intelligent machines that can assist humans in a variety of ways. Robotics can take on several forms. A robot might resemble a human or be in the form of a robotic application, such as robotic process automation, which simulates how humans engage with software to perform repetitive, rules-based tasks.

While the field of robotics and exploration of the potential uses and functionality of robots have grown substantially in the 21st century, the idea certainly isn’t new. Tasks that were earlier reserved for human workers are now being taken over by robots. Robotics is a major tech disruptor to watch for in years to come.


Blockchain technology is a decentralized, distributed ledger that stores the record of ownership of digital assets. Any data stored on blockchain is unable to be modified, making the technology a legitimate disruptor for industries like payments, cybersecurity, and healthcare. Blockchain is used in financial transactions, particularly cryptocurrencies. Many global companies explore blockchain solutions for supply chain optimization, health records, digital identities, or even intellectual property protection. This shows that the application of the technology is wide and it is gaining popularity very quickly.


Emerging technologies are spearheading radical change and are therefore garnering a lot of attention. All the technologies described in this article demonstrate world-altering potential. Understanding emerging technologies is important for individuals, businesses, nonprofits and governments to better prepare for social and economic shifts. Understanding the revolutionary implications of these technologies can help harness them strategically. By tracking these emerging technologies, we gain foresight to navigate any disruption or opportunities that are coming up.


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