Learn how to create a more diverse and inclusive workplace. Discover techniques for making all employees feel appreciated and empowered to participate.
Study various methods of making global hiring choices in global business situations, such as the culturally focused, polycentric, and geocentric approaches.
Learn how AI can improve recruiting by simplifying applicant selection, decreasing prejudice, and increasing hiring efficiency for better talent acquisition.
In today’s digital age, data forms a critical part of every company in any industry…
In today’s digital age, data forms a critical part of every company in any industry…
A new role that has entered executive teams is that of the Chief Data Officer (CDO)….
The qualities, competencies, and aptitudes that go into being a Chief Strategy Officer
In many companies, people often use the terms employee value proposition (EVP) and employee experience (EX) interchangeably…
Digital transformation is more than just a buzzword. Organizations are adopting digital practices and are investing heavily in new innovations and technology…
In recent years starting 2022, soon after the COVID-19 pandemic, economic uncertainties triggered major layoffs from big tech companies…