Given the boom in fintech, several startups are mushrooming in the sector. This means all of them…
Millennials today form the largest segment of the workforce and the fastest growing group of potential recruits…
The booming marketplace after Covid has worsened supply and demand problems for businesses…
Here are some tech hiring dos and don’ts: Dos: comprehending the goal, emphasizing the learning opportunities, and so on…
If you are running a large-sized engineering services operation, you will most likely have to recruit an engineering staffing firm. An engineering staffing…
Tech-driven solutions and products have taken over the world. Consequently, enterprises are always searching for talent with specialized tech skills.
According to the research by the Hindu Business line, the IT sector has been a reliable contributor to the country’s GDP as they have contributed
nearly twice compared to before. The domestic revenue of the IT industry is estimated at $45 billion and export revenue is estimated
at $150 billion in FY21.
The year 2020-21 will go down in history as an important time for many reasons and in many contexts.
Quite a few years ago I was interviewing a candidate in my office. I was pretty impressed with his overall demeanor…