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In a fast paced world, all working professionals crave for a good work-life balance. Juggling personal and professional tasks does not come naturally to everyone and many people struggle with prioritizing their professional deadlines with the demands on their time. 

Table of Contents

  • Work-life balance
  • Promote a caring and trusting work culture
  • Establish an ethos of flexibility
  • Review workloads
  • Encourage taking short breaks
  • Support vacations
  • Have supportive policies
  • Foster an ambience of recognition

Work-life balance

Self-care, me time, wellness, and mental health all play an important role in ensuring good work-life balance for employees. Work-life balance can mean different things to different people. Essentially it refers to the good feeling when one is able to balance both their personal and professional lives well by being able to dedicate sufficient time to both and being able to feel a sense of fulfillment of having given attention to both requirements. When you can meet your work deadlines and, at the same time, make enough time to meet your friends, for hobbies and for getting sufficient sleep, are all part of work-life balance. It is not just about prioritizing schedules and splitting time efficiently between your personal and professional tasks but about feeling fulfilled in both spheres.

Employers alone are not responsible for the work-life balance of their employees. Even the employees need to prioritize their tasks and take responsibility to change their attitudes towards work and home. The pandemic in the last few years has blurred the lines between work and home thanks to the work from home situation. However, most companies are making efforts to have regulations and facilities that support employees with freedom, resources, and opportunities to balance the various elements of their lives.

In an effort to do this, it is important to first listen to your employees and understand what your employees are going through. You can do this using one-on-one meetings, webinars or even surveys. The emotional health of your employees should be monitored regularly to understand the deep connection that helps them become achievers. 

There are various things that a workplace can do to foster the well-being of their employees. Let us explore some of them.

Promote a caring and trusting work culture

A compassionate and caring culture makes employees feel safe, secure and respected. This security helps them perform better with a higher level of commitment towards the organization. Trusting employees and giving them space will allow them to perform their tasks better and prioritize their timelines well. This culture of mutual trust will make employees feel valued and motivate them to deliver the best to their teams. 

Establish an ethos of flexibility

Employees want to be trusted with knowing how to manage when, where and how they work. Employees value employers who empower them to manage their own time. Good flexibility can significantly reduce employee stress and help them become resilient. Employees should use the flexibility responsibly and abide by the policies and guidelines set by the organization. Flexibility means that you can pay attention to your personal priorities and also complete your professional tasks by giving attention to both in a time-efficient manner. Instead of counting the number of hours spent on a task, encourage managers to focus on task completion.

Review workloads

It is possible that some people have a consistently higher workload while others have lighter ones. To address this, workload assignment must be reviewed periodically and ensure that all employees have achievable targets and workload. This is a sign of committed leadership and will boost the work-life balance of all employees. You can also ask employees to report an overload or underload of work to ensure that you are constantly in touch with what they are doing. 

Encourage taking short breaks

Working long hours without taking short breaks will take a toll on the employees and affect the productivity of the employees. Taking a break at the cafeteria or going on a short walk are ways to destress and have a change of scenery. Working from a vacant meeting room for a few hours can also be an effective way to get a change of scenery and feel refreshed from the regular chatter and pressure of a workday.

Support vacations

Sustained pressure at work can stress an employee and lead to a burn out. Everyone needs time off from work to refresh, unwind and rejuvenate. An annual vacation can help employees return with higher motivation and increased productivity. A paid vacation for star employees with family can act as a reward and as a goal for others to enhance their performance. Vacation time should be looked at as a way to boost productivity rather than just an employee bonus. 

Have supportive policies

Having good and efficient policies result in promoting good work-life balance. You could have flexible shifts, rewarding work quality rather than going by the number of hours people are logged in or a good leave policy that encourages employees to take time off. You could allow work from home during stressful times which enables an employee to be more productive. In essence you need to have a fair workplace that provides opportunity, recognizes excellence based on performance and has good wage structures that are very fair. 

Foster an ambience of recognition

Publicly applauding the efforts of a good performer can act as a performance booster not only for the person being recognized but for the others looking at the effort. Such acts enhance a feeling of self-worth and increase job satisfaction. Recognitions can be given at regular, annual or impromptu meetings. Recognitions have increased good performances and lowered attrition rates in many companies.


When it comes to improving work-life balance, there is no one solution that fits all. Ideally businesses must personalize their strategy for every individual employee. The advantages and results that good work-life balance can bring are enormous. When people are happier, they naturally perform better. Ensure that you foster a good work-life balance by supporting employees with good understanding, care and supportive policies. 
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