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How to Become a Golang Developer?

A professional programmer who understands the functionalities and language of Go is a Golang developer. Most programming positions in top companies that require backend solutions that meet the scale and complexity of their infrastructure and databases require knowledge of Golang as a top requirement. A Golang developer will have to work for many environments and industries creating web pages and software products that are scalable and practically used in business. Golang is a reliable and efficient language that can effectively maintain, create and upgrade systems quickly according to organizational needs. A Golang developer must have comprehensive knowledge across multiple coding types.

A much sought-after programming language, Golang (also called Go) has advanced features and a clean syntax. It is ideal to learn Golang as a first programming language.  It was developed by Google and is specially used by those working with Google products. Golang has the readability of Python and the efficiency of C++. Hence, it is popular among developers to build webpages and software products. Go is designed to scale efficiently so it is used to build complex applications and large programs in a few seconds on a single computer! Go programs are fast to build and Go has an open development model which means that credible and respected developers from all over the world contribute to it.

How do I become a Golang developer?

Go developers have expert knowledge of various coding languages and functionalities surrounding them. If you want to become a Go developer, ensure that you have the proper training, knowledge and experience to become one. Outlined below are some of the steps to become a Golang developer.

  1. Educational Qualifications: It will be a must to complete a degree in programming or development to get a Go developer’s job. Knowledge of C++, C#, Python, Java and other programming languages will help you be a good Go developer. Learning any of these languages will be needed in roles where you work on multiple projects with different language requirements. Knowledge of these additional programming languages will also help your resume stand out among applicants for a job as a Go developer.
  2. Understand the basics of Golang: Understanding the basics of Golang, learning the essential keywords and identifiers is a first step in this process. You must be familiar with how Go looks and the interface. You must also know how to handle errors as interviewers may want you to prove your expertise in the language. Start practicing Go interview questions, prepare for interviews and learn more about the language.
  3. Enhance your experience with libraries and tools: Improve your knowledge by examining Go libraries and other development tools. Also understand various web frameworks and popular libraries. You will also have to learn all about databases and aspects of website development and app design to improve your Go skills.
  4. Learn how to test with Golang: Learning how to use Golang practically and understanding real-world application of the language will be needed as a developer and to build a portfolio. Knowing how to unit test using dedicated frameworks, behavior testing and integration testing will be essential skills that you need. To become good at testing, you could review live coding environments through tutorials.
  5. Study Golang design patterns: Golang uses various design patterns like many programming languages to resolve problems in the creation, structure and behaviour of programming projects. The way to get familiar with design patterns is to examine existing coding or experiment with your own coding. Your Golang interviewer may ask you questions about identifying which design pattern to use and your understanding will help you give an in-depth answer. 
  6. Work experience in Golang coding: You will require real-world experience in gaining Golang programming skill. For this you may have to apply for internships or apprenticeships where you can be supervised and trained by professionals. A good option could be where you apply to be an intern at a development company and contribute to Golang coding in a DevOps setting, thus gaining experience in the development process.
  7. Build your Golang portfolio: Building a solid portfolio to showcase your skills in Golang will be a must for you. Your portfolio must showcase your ability to use a range of tools and techniques to achieve outcomes. You should also showcase examples of testing and use of design patterns. 

In summary

With your qualifications and portfolio under your belt, you are now ready to apply for jobs as a Golang developer. You will need to understand what hiring managers are expecting of Golang developers. For instance, some employers look for a strong understanding of the different tools and libraries used alongside Golang for day-to-day work. Employers may often use jargon or programming-specific language in an interview. Understanding technical terms can help you answer questions confidently. Showcasing your portfolio and knowledge of various programming languages can make you a valuable hire. Also showcasing your understanding of how a programming team works may make the interviewer believe that you are a good fit for the workplace.  

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