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Most Highly-Paid Agritech Jobs

Young, talented, people are being attracted in droves to the agritech sector.

The reasons are not hard to find. One, the sector has been getting increased funding in recent times. Two, the funding has enabled the sector to embrace cutting-edge technology. Therefore, there are more jobs. And the youth like the lure of technology and career growth opportunities.

Table of Contents

  • Data analyst
  • Food scientist
  • Biochemist
  • UI/UX specialist
  • AI specialist
  • Environmental engineer
  • Business development executives
  • Agricultural lawyer
  • Marketing communications
  • Finance professional
  • Animal geneticist
  • Digital content creator
  • Agricultural economist

So, the agritech sector is an exciting space for the young to build their careers.

Here is a list of the hottest and highly-paid jobs in agritech today.

Data analyst

A data analyst collects data and converts it into useful information. This enables informed decision-making for the farmer. The data collected is often for past activity on the farm, for what’s happening currently and is for parameters such as soil health and the weather. A data analyst’s contribution typically adds to the farm’s bottom line significantly.

Data Analyst salaries in India range from 1.9 Lakhs to 12.0 Lakhs.

Food scientist

A food scientist researches the nutritional value of food and helps establish good food security practices. All the information that appears at the back of a pack of processed food is researched and presented by a food scientist. It offers details on the calorific value of the food and its expiration date. If you are interested in championing food safety and human health, this is an exciting new role to sign up for.

Food scientist salaries in India range from 0.2 Lakhs to 7.2 Lakhs.

UI/UX specialist

UI/UX people are the ones who make our experiences on websites and mobile applications comfortable. They design digital experiences that make it simpler for people to navigate a digital product and collect information or make a purchase. In the agritech sector, UI/UX specialists design websites and mobile applications. Their contribution to presenting a cutting-edge image of the agritech sector is profound.

UI/UX Designer salaries in India range from 2.1 Lakhs to 15.0 Lakhs.


A biochemist uses science to make agro products safe for human consumption. They also develop quick-growth, high-yield varieties of crops. They are sometimes tasked with developing crop types that are resistant to bugs and to drought conditions. This is a job that directly impacts human wellbeing.

In India, the average annual salary for a biochemist is 2.5 lakhs.

AI specialist

This is a role that makes life on a farm simpler. AI specialists use artificial intelligence to make farms more efficient and profitable. Agritech companies use people in this role to build software applications and machines. These applications can predict weather conditions. They can be used for implementing smart irrigation techniques. They are also capable of monitoring soil and plant health. AI specialists make agritech companies future-ready.

In India, the average salary for an Artificial Intelligence Specialist is 20.3 Lakhs per year.

Environmental engineer

People with either an environmental engineering background or prior experience in this field fit into this role. They are tasked with monitoring air, plant, soil and water quality. They devise efficient methods for waste disposal. Agritech companies rely on environmental engineers to design products and equipment that help make farmers’ lives simpler and efficient.

The salary of an environmental engineer in India ranges from 1.8 lakhs to 12.0 lakhs.

Business development executives

They are the people who bring income into agritech companies. They sell the companies’ products and services and help them achieve profitability. This, in turn, helps companies attract higher investment. They also contribute to making products made by the companies commercially viable. They do this by sharing market insights and perspectives on what price points will work for customers.

The salary of a Business Development Executive in India ranges from 1.8 Lakhs to 7.0 Lakhs.

Agricultural lawyer

In this role, an individual builds a legal framework for an agritech company. They have to be well-versed in property law, in the regulatory framework of the local and central governments, in agricultural and environmental law and intellectual property rights. They must also be expert arbitrators and mediators when disputes arise.

The average annual salary for an Agricultural Lawyer is INR 395,000.

Marketing communications

A person in this role is the key broadcaster for an agritech company. They devise campaigns to advertise the company’s products and services to target audiences. Much of this is done on social media. Though some of it also requires reaching rural markets using conventional media and below-the-line events and activities. A fair amount of market research is also driven by marketing communications professionals. They are ambassadors and custodian’s of an agritech company’s online and offline brand image.

In India, the average annual salary for a Marketing Communications is INR 10,75834.

Agriculture operations manager

This person is literally the chief operations manager in an agribusiness like a grain processing or harvesting factory. They manage people and workflows. This includes inventory management, production planning, purchase, resource mobilization and energy management. People in this role are required to have good project management, communication and leadership skills.

The average annual salary for an Operations Manager in Agriculture companies is 8.5 lakhs.

Finance professional

This is the bean counter in the agritech company. They are in charge of making sure the operations run smoothly by planning the cash flow and keeping the company profitable. This means ensuring that receivables are collected on time and all expenditure is made only within stipulated budgets. With experience, a professional in this role works on building a long-term strategy for the company. This involves growing its valuation, attracting investment and helping grow shareholder wealth.

Finance Professional salaries in India range from 3.0 Lakhs to 16.5 Lakhs.

Animal geneticist

A person in this role has two major focus areas. Keeping animals on a farm safe and healthy. And helping rear cross breeds of livestock – by pairing the best breeds available. This is a highly-qualified role and requires specialized skills.

In Tropical Animal Genetics, the average annual salary is INR 8.8 lakhs.

Digital content creator

With agritech companies relying heavily on social media, people for this role are in high demand. They are tasked with creating all online content – both written and visual. They develop social media posts and campaigns. They also write blogposts and content for online advertising. They manage websites and email newsletters. They work closely with the marketing communications team.

The salary of a Digital Content Creator in India ranges from 2.7 Lakhs to 11.2 Lakhs.

Agricultural economist

This person essentially assesses market scenarios. And they then forecast how the business and the sector will behave in the near future. Their insights help the clients of agritech companies develop sound farming strategies in terms of planning crop cycles and harvesting schedules. An agricultural economist also has a deep knowledge of how the agrarian economy has evolved over time, through history, through years of human civilization.

In India, economist salaries range from 5.9 Lakhs to 41.6 Lakhs.

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